My journey - Part Two

Welcome Back! Following on from Part One, which you can read here, I wanted to talk more about my experience of saying goodbye to dieting, disordered way of living and eating, and establishing a sustainable, healthy way to live.

Here’s what I do:

  • I focus on listening and respecting my body, embracing whole foods that made me feel energized


  • I prioritize protein while balancing my meals with vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, & carbohydrates

  • I cook 90% of my meals at home

  • I enjoy cocktails, wine, and going out to restaurants. It’s all about balance & moderation!

  • I incorporate movement into my daily routine. I love cycling, Pilates, yoga, walking. You will never catch me running though!

  • I aim for 7-8 hours of sleep

  • I nourish my relationship with myself, stress, & people in my life on a daily basis

I overcame becoming diabetic, got my hypoglycemia under control, and put an end to my disordered eating by doing all of this. Today, I live a healthy, balanced lifestyle that consists of consuming whole foods, putting more focus on the benefits of the nutrients of the food I am consuming, exercise, rest, sleep, and managing my stress levels.

People began to notice the food and lifestyle changes I was making. Some people would assume I was on some sort of strict diet. They were always curious about what I was doing, what I ate, and if I could help them. Of course, I wanted to help them as much as I could; this was my passion, but I felt like I didn’t have the skills or knowledge to do so because I didn’t get a degree in nutrition or wasn’t certify in anything. Becoming a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach has been one of the most exciting and fulfilling moments of my life. It has given me the knowledge and confidence to support people’s overall well-being and develop personal strategies to enact basic, health-supportive lifestyle modifications.

Insights I follow by and offer to my people:

  • You are the only version of YOU and what works for you won’t work for everyone else.

  • One size DOES NOT fit all! Health is holistic – from the environment you thrive in, to the relationships that nourish you, to the food you eat, the way you manage sleep, and the way you move your body.

  • Shifting our habits and mindset are KEY to a successful lifestyle. 

  • Our minds and bodies are connected in many complex ways, yet when you hear about the mind-body connection, it’s often in the context of how the mind affects the body. But what about how the body affects the mind?

I’ve been there. I know what it feels like to feel blah, unhealthy, unmotivated, not loving what you see in the mirror. Feeling overwhelmed by everything the media tells us we should do and what we should eat. Healthy living is not about restricting or dieting, it’s full of abundance and nourishment in all aspects of life. It is possible to live a healthy lifestyle and still enjoy your favorite foods, not spend hours in the gym, and not give up your life. My goal with coaching is to help guide you on how to do this and once our coaching is up, you’re able to do it on your own! 

Health is a journey, not a destination. It’s important to enjoy the ride!

I’m here if you need any advice or guidance.


My journey- Part One


What is Bio-Individuality?